Is it possible that as schema owner of either schema1 or schema2, i.e. administrator, I create the user mapping and the foreign tables and then grant access to user1 to user5 and schema2/schema1?I can't find any reference/doc/example on whether this is possible or not.I also don't have the password of each user. Can I use set role user1 to user5 to do the CREATE USER MAPPING and CREATE FOREIGN TABLE.In summary, I am wanting to do the CREATE USER MAPPING and CREATE FOREIGN TABLE once only in either SCHEMA1 and SCHEMA2 and grant any role/user to be able to access these foreign tables, mainly just a select.Any guidance will be much appreciated. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
I’m not really following the specifics but most likely appropriate usage of group roles will ease things.
Though letting users select from the foreign table is just a permissions thing.
David J.