Hi All,
In my CROSSTAB SQL, column data is dynamic. That means, number of heading columns will vary from time to time. I am listing the function code.
-- pivotcode beginning --------x CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bronxdev.Bronx_Mcm_Stage_Shipping_Pivot RETURNS character varying AS $BODY$
declare dynsql1 varchar; dynsql2 varchar; columnlist varchar; begin -- Set 1. retrieve list of column names. -- Below Line [and TESTC.TEST_NUMBER ] will go away after the trials dynsql1 = 'SELECT STRING_AGG ( TESTC.TEST_NUMBER, '' text, '' ORDER BY TESTC.TEST_NUMBER ) || '' text''' || ' FROM BRONXdev.TEST_PART_DETAILS_ALL_MCM PART, BRONXDEV.TEST_RESULTS_ALL_MCM TRESULT, BRONXDEV.TEST_TEST_DETAILS_ALL_MCM TESTC '|| ' WHERE PART.TEST_PART_DET_ALL_MCM_ID = TRESULT.TEST_PART_DETAILS_ALL_MCM_ID '|| ' AND TRESULT.TEST_TEST_DETAILS_ALL_MCM_ID = TESTC.TEST_TEST_DETAILS_ALL_MCM_ID '|| ' and PART.STAGE = '|| '''FT''' || ' and PART.RUN_ID = '|| '''607702''' || ' GROUP by PART.SERIAL_NUMBER limit 1 ' ; -- RAISE info 'Hello!'; RAISE NOTICE 'dynsql1 - > %', dynsql1; execute dynsql1 into columnlist; -- RAISE NOTICE 'Test Numbers - > %', columnlist;
-- Set 2. set up the crosstab query dynsql2 = 'SELECT * FROM CROSSTAB ( '' SELECT PART.SERIAL_NUMBER, TESTC.TEST_NUMBER, TRESULT.TEST_RESULT ::text'|| ' FROM BRONXdev.TEST_PART_DETAILS_ALL_MCM PART, BRONXDEV.TEST_RESULTS_ALL_MCM TRESULT, BRONXDEV.TEST_TEST_DETAILS_ALL_MCM TESTC' || ' WHERE PART.TEST_PART_DET_ALL_MCM_ID = TRESULT.TEST_PART_DETAILS_ALL_MCM_ID '|| ' AND TRESULT.TEST_TEST_DETAILS_ALL_MCM_ID = TESTC.TEST_TEST_DETAILS_ALL_MCM_ID '|| ' and PART.STAGE = '|| '''''FT'''''|| ' and PART.RUN_ID = '|| '''''607702''''' || ' ORDER BY PART.SERIAL_NUMBER , TESTC.TEST_NUMBER '' )' || ' as ConcatenatedResults ( SERIAL_NUMBER character varying(18), '||columnlist||' );'; RAISE NOTICE 'dynsql2 - > %', dynsql2; return dynsql2; end $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; -- pivotcode ending --------x
After generating the SQL needed for CROSSTAB in dynsql2, I need to add few columns from the same table to the SQL. CROSSTAB directly does not any option to have more than 1 column as ROW-DATA in the CROSSTAB clause.
I need to further develop the function to add few more columns from the table BRONXdev.TEST_PART_DETAILS_ALL_MCM. In the above function, I have the SQL generated by dynsql2. I need to add columns to the SQL generated by dynsql2 I am unable to think on how to add few columns to the result set of CROSSTAB. I would appreciate any help on this. Management is thinking that I do not know how to write a SQL which is absurd. Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Thanks, Sarwar +1 240-483-1016