Hi, Brifely: HAProxy (2, TCP mode) -> PG Bouncer (2 VM) -> PGSQL farm (>=2) Haproxy does not ‘understand’ PostgreSQL at Proxy level, it can only perform healthchecks and work at TCP level, so it does not balance queries between RO & RW nodes. Pure
Haproxy-Postgresql deployment seems a bit clunky:
https://www.alibabacloud.com/blog/postgresql-haproxy-proxy-for-ha-and-load-balance_597618 Still a HAP + native PostgreSQL
Proxy would be strongly advised, like:
https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/134925 If you don’t have a site-wide Haproxy Deployment already, I would also deploy it with 2 instances Active/Backup (i.e. keepalived). Finally, you may have to decide a replication
and failover mechanism between PostgreSQL nodes that suits your needs. Regards, ----- Gabriel Guillem Barceló Soteras Àrea Tecnològica i de Gestió Patrimonial 🏛️ Parlament de les Illes Balears |