Thanks, SOzcn! Just for the record…. If you don’t have “ts” installed in your server (like mine), you can do the following as sell. I got this solution from a Linux forum. There are number of alternatives, but I find this
one simpler. <your-script-or-command>
| awk '{ print strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"), $0;
fflush() }' > t.txt & Thanks! From: SOzcn <selahattinozcnma@xxxxxxxxx> Hello, next to your linux command you can get output like ; pg_restore - ... - ... 2>&1 | ts '[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]' > pg_restore_output.log Murthy Nunna <mnunna@xxxxxxxx>, 20 Ara 2023 Çar, 02:08 tarihinde şunu yazdı: