Hello All
i am trying to use this link https://pg-auto-failover.readthedocs.io/en/main/security.html
to setup pg_auto_failover using password auth option but having so much issues as standby will not create properly and on the error massage its bringing up, it will through out the auth scram-sha-256.
and the monitor will set the standby node i am adding as catching up but if i use trust auth, everything
will work well. Any suggestions on how to intergrate use of password with pg_auto_failover?
pg_autoctl show state
Name | Node | Host:Port | TLI: LSN | Connection | Reported State | Assigned State
node_1 | 1 | primary_ip:5432 | 1: 0/28000148 | read-write ! | wait_primary | wait_primary
node_2 | 2 | standby_ip:5432 | 1: 0/0 | none ! | wait_standby | catchingup
role = keeper
monitor = postgres://autoctl_node:progress@monitor_ip:5432/pg_auto_failover
formation = default
group = 0
name = node_1
hostname = primary_ip
nodekind = standalone
pgdata = /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/primary
pg_ctl = /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/pg_ctl
username = postgres
dbname = postgres
port = 5432
proxyport = 0
listen_addresses = *
auth_method = scram-sha-256
hba_level = minimal
active = 1
sslmode = require
cert_file = /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/primary/server.crt
key_file = /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/primary/server.key
maximum_backup_rate = 100M
backup_directory = /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/backup/node_1
password = postgres
network_partition_timeout = 20
prepare_promotion_catchup = 30
prepare_promotion_walreceiver = 5
postgresql_restart_failure_timeout = 20
postgresql_restart_failure_max_retries = 3
listen_notifications_timeout = 0
citus_master_update_node_lock_cooldown = 0
citus_coordinator_wait_max_retries = 0
citus_coordinator_wait_timeout = 0
role = primary
role = monitor
hostname = monitor_ip
pgdata = /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/monitor
pg_ctl = /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/pg_ctl
username = autoctl_node
dbname = pg_auto_failover
port = 5432
listen_addresses = *
auth_method = scram-sha-256
sslmode = require
active = 1
cert_file = /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/monitor/server.crt
key_file = /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/monitor/server.key
I will appreciate your ideas