I am running postgresql through an SSH tunnel to process a
collection of files on the server loading them into the database.
Specifically GTFS files
The process is as follows.
find ../Database\ management/SQL/Create\
tables/Landing -type f -name 'Bus *.sql' | sort -n | while
read -r f;
echo "$f";
./Query\ to\ server "$f";
./Query\ to\ server "../Database management/SQL/Create
tables/AllServices/Insert landing - bus.sql";
done |
The 'Query to server' script initiates an SSL session with the
following statement where postgresql_tcanalysis initiates an SSH
tunnel to the database on the remote server which I have SSH
connection to.
postgresql_tcanalysis < "$1" |
There is no problem with the SSH connection and running
individual queries.
The issue occurs when stepping through the queries.
The find statement results in 19 queries. It is necessary to have
individual queries as the content of the GTFS files are not
consistent with regard to fields.
Attached is the STDOUT messages showing the progress of the the
process to segmentation fault.
Running the individual queries where the segfault occurs does not
occur for the individual query. The segfault only occurs when
doing the bulk process.
Also attached is the section from
/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-15-main.log relating to the
segfault occurence.
Any suggestions for identifying the cause appreciated.