> On Jun 15, 2023, at 8:23 PM, M Sarwar <sarwarmd02@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > During the data load from CSV files to the database, the above START_TIME and STOP_TIME date column data arrived as number value. > Now I need to translate the START_TIME and STOP_TIME back to DATE format. Add a number to a date, you get a date that many days out. Similarly, you can add an interval to a timestamp. So you'll need to know the base used for those numbers, and the unit of measurement. For instance, if the numbers for date are an offset from 1970-01-01 (Unix epoch): '1970-01-01'::date + <number> If the numbers for time are seconds from then: '1970-01-01'::timestamptz + '<number> seconds'::interval Of course you'll also need to know what time zone the times are in, I will graciously leave that as an exercise ;-) Also, the documentation page you needed: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/functions-datetime.html