Hi Oliver,
I think for RDS Postgres space issue this is good guidance: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/diskfull-error-rds-postgresql .
On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 2:49 PM Wilson Coelho <wilson.coelho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Oliver
You need to check where are the postgres data directory and verify if there is enough available space on it to the operation you trying to do over the database.
It seems to be a problem related with a partition scheme and not the DB per se.
Also take a look at the distribution of your data over the partitions. If that file is on a partition with no space, try to resize or, move to other partitionRegards
Wilson Coelho
Wilson Moraes Coelho
Sia Trecho 08, lotes 245 / 255 / 265 ||Tel.:+55 (61) 3039-9700 - (61) 99989-8932
71205-080 || Guará || Brasília, DF 0800-6020097
Em 21/05/2023 14:15, Wells Oliver escreveu:
I am seeing a lot of this morning:ERROR: could not extend file "base/16411/616989679.62": No space left on devi2023-05-21 17:11:45 UTC::@:[386]:LOG: all server processes terminated; reinitializing2023-05-21 17:04:02 UTC:[31430]:ERROR: could not extend file "base/16411/616989585.45": No space left on deviceEtcHowever, when I can connect, the DB is well below the provisioned space.I am trying to figure this out but not sure where to turn yet.
Wells Oliver