Hi. I want to set up pgadmin in a docker compose and have it automatically be able to connect to the database running in the same compose file. I have set up the following entry in the compose file (excuse the indents) pgadmin: image: dpage/pgadmin4:latest volumes: - ./pgadmin_servers.json:/pgadmin4/servers.json - ./pgpass:/pgadmin4/.pgpass:ro ports: - 5050:5050 environment: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: timuckun@xxxxxxxxx PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: admin PGADMIN_LISTEN_PORT: 5050 PGADMIN_SERVER_JSON_FILE: /pgadmin4/servers.json This is the servers file { "Servers": { "1": { "Name": "Minimally Defined Server", "Group": "Server Group 1", "Port": 5432, "Username": "benchmarkdbuser", "Host": "tfb-database", "SSLMode": "prefer", "MaintenanceDB": "hello_world", "PassFile": "/pgadmin4/.pgpass" } } } This launched the pgadmin app but the server doesn't show up in the list. I am wondering what I need to do in order to make this happen. Ideally the app would also log in as admin and go right to the startup screen. Thanks.