Hi all,
I've been working with pg_dump and one thing that's always struck me as strange is that there never seems to be an indication in the log that the pg_dump process completed successfully.
For example, I've been running a bunch of backups with pg_dump in directory mode with multiple jobs. When I come back several hours later there are no pg_dump processes running. The log is filled with:
dumping contents of foofinished item 123456 of TABLE DATA baretc.
Other than trying to restore the multi terabyte database somewhere else is there any way to know that it actually finished successfully?
Why doesn't pg_dump add a line in the output like:
pg_backup finishedwhen it's completed successfully?
This seems like a terrible oversight.
Am I missing something obvious?
"They" expect you to do the Unix Thing and check $?. Thus, that's what I do; any non-zero value generates an email with a scary subject line, the specifics of which are based on the exact code value. I'm not near my work computer; otherwise I'd share them with you.
Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.
Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.