are you looking for a solution like this?
SELECT grantee, privilege_type
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
WHERE table_name='table_name';
Inzamam Shafiq
From: richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2023 5:18 PM
To: Wetmore, Matthew (CTR) <Matthew.Wetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: how to list privileges on the database object itself via SQL?
Thanks for the advice. I am aware of pgAdmin4, dBeaver, etc. but I was looking for an SQL solution.
May I suggest PgAdmin GUI
From: richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 12:50 PM
To: Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: how to list privileges on the database object itself via SQL?
Thanks for that. It still seems rather weird that there isn't a more straightforward way to get access to that information.
Also the SQL generated by psql -E doesn't seem to work on earlier versions of PostgreSQL:
SELECT d.datname as "Name",
pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner",
pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as "Encoding",
d.datcollate as "Collate",
d.datctype as "Ctype",
-- start this section works in pg15, but not in pg11
d.daticulocale as "ICU Locale",
CASE d.datlocprovider WHEN 'c' THEN 'libc' WHEN 'i' THEN 'icu' END AS "Locale Provider",
-- end this section works in pg15, but not in pg11
pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, E'\n') AS "Access privileges"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d
Even then, the results are a potentially very long concatenated string, or originally an array, in the "Access privileges" column.
Are you sure there isn't a more straightforward way to access this information? Are you saying that the only place this information is stored is in an array in the datacl column of the pg_catalog.pg_database table?
If that's the case then I am going to be forced to either write code to parse out that array, or write a looping union of multiple "has_database_privilege()" calls.
Either case seems like overkill to get such basic information out of PostgreSQL....
richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Thanks, but no. I am looking for the SQL statement.
> I very rarely venture into psql, unless it's to run an SQL code block from
> the terminal.
> Is there an SQL way to do this?
psql is still a useful reference. Run it with the -E option and
look at the SQL it issues when you say "\l". Trim to fit your
regards, tom lane