Trying to change the schema of an enumerated type results in the error below:
db=# ALTER TYPE xxx.yyy SET SCHEMA zzz;
ERROR: failed to change schema dependency for type xxx.yyy
ERROR: failed to change schema dependency for type xxx.yyy
I was able to track this down to changeDependencyFor() within pg_depend.c, but still am not able to understand the reason for this error.
When looking into the pg_depend catalog, originally there were 700 entries. After a series of cascading drops of the tables, views and functions involved, only one was left:
db=# SELECT deptype, objid::regclass FROM pg_depend WHERE refobjid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typnamespace = 'xxx'::regnamespace AND typname = 'yyy');
deptype | objid
i | 1202633909
(1 row)
deptype | objid
i | 1202633909
(1 row)
Then I deleted manually from pg_depend this entry, and there were 0 entries left, but still the error was persisting. I am not able to change the schema, which is quite a blocker in our migration plan.
Any ideas how we could proceed any further? And btw what is the entry above: objid = 1202633909 + deptype = i?
Kouber Saparev