Hi Sarwar, > On 08/12/2022 00:51 CET M Sarwar <sarwarmd02@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I have created a user with my name and unable to verify the same using pgadmin > or any other way. For many of you this question is a novice. I am seeking the > help after spending sometime on this. You can point me to the document if you > or anybody can think of anything or find it. > Thank you! > Sarwar A few questions: * What Postgres version do you use? * What error message do you get when connecting with your new user? I assume that you get an error when you say "unable to verify". * How did you create that user? Was it CREATE USER[1] or createuser via command line? In case of CREATE ROLE[2] you must also specify attribute LOGIN which effectively is the same as CREATE USER. The login privilege must also be enabled when creating roles via pgAdmin.[3] * What does your pg_hba.conf[4] look like? You must configure the right databases, usernames, and client addresses before connecting. [1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createuser.html [2] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createrole.html [3] https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/latest/role_dialog.html [4] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/auth-pg-hba-conf.html P.S. Please don't hijack threads. -- Erik