Wells Oliver <wells.oliver@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > Thanks. This seems to return aggregates where array_append is used with > anyarray, but I now see aggregates where e.g. array_cat is used with > anyarray. Is there some way to generally query aggregates where any array > function might be looking for anyarray and need to be dropped/re-created > with anycompatiblearray? Looking for aggtranstype = 'anyarray'::regtype would give you a hit list, but beware that not every one of those was changed. Looking at HEAD, I see postgres=# select aggfnoid::regprocedure from pg_aggregate where aggtranstype = 'anyarray'::regtype; aggfnoid --------------- max(anyarray) min(anyarray) (2 rows) so you'd want to exclude those. (I guess just skipping ones with oid < 9999 would be enough to skip built-ins.) regards, tom lane