I don’t think I am failing in a user created table. Looks like the failed view is one of the catalog views. Looks like I have to go to an intermediate version before getting to 14.4. Looks like it is expecting relhaspkey column in pg_class view of new version. Sorry my “create view” statement is truncated in my original message. Full statement is as below Error is: pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: column c.relhaspkey does not exist LINE 19: "c"."relhaspkey" AS "haspkey", CREATE VIEW "public"."all_tables" AS SELECT ((("n"."nspname")::"text" || '.'::"text") || ("c"."relname")::"text") AS "tablename", "pg_get_userbyid"("c"."relowner") AS "tableowner", "c"."reltuples" AS "rows", "c"."relpages" AS "pages", "t"."spcname" AS "tablespace", "c"."relhaspkey" AS "haspkey", "c"."relhasindex" AS "hasindexes", "c"."relhasrules" AS "hasrules" FROM (("pg_class" "c" LEFT JOIN "pg_namespace" "n" ON (("n"."oid" = "c"."relnamespace"))) LEFT JOIN "pg_tablespace" "t" ON (("t"."oid" = "c"."reltablespace"))) WHERE (("c"."relkind" = 'r'::"char") AND ("n"."nspname" !~ 'pg_'::"text")); From: MichaelDBA Vitale <michaeldba@xxxxxxxxxxx> Pretty self explanatory... You have a view that references PG catalog tables whose structure has changed in the new version. Capture the DDL for that view, drop the view, proceed with the upgrade and attempt to create that view in the target DB. PG will give you
good error msgs pointing you to what you need to change to get the query to work.
Regards, Michael Vitale