Le ven. 10 juin 2022, 12:40, Pascal CROZET <pascal.crozet@xxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Hi DBA's (PG 12.10 on Ubuntu 20.04)
In a restoration from a full plain text database ( xzcat my_database.sql.xz | psql ), I've this issue at the end.
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEWERROR: type "row_reporting_p" does not existLINE 3: _row row_reporting_p;^QUERY:DECLARE_row row_reporting_p;
-- my code
CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "get_row_reporting_new" near line 3ERROR: type "row_reporting_p" does not existLINE 23: _row row_reporting_p;^QUERY:
DECLARE_row row_reporting_p;BEGIN
-- my codeENDCONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "fs_get_row_reporting" near line 23
Of course, the user type is present and well restored before, 'cause the last SQL commands from the file are for REFRESH MATERIALZED VIEW vm_my_materialized_view;
When I refresh the materialized view manually, from psql, the refresh is well. This issue is only present on databases using user type. On other databases restoration, not using user type, I haven't this isssue.
Is it a PostGreSql bug ? Thanks
I don't think so. Pretty sure you need to qualify the type's name with its schema's name.