Hi all;
We had an issue with a PostgreSQL v12 cluster. Not sure all of the history as I was pulled in late, however we were seeing that the db would not start due to WAL inconsistencies, was throwing an error about could not find wal records.
So we ran a pg_resetwal -f -D [data dir]
we are dumping (via pg_dump) all the databases in the broken cluster and I will restore them to a new cluster,
however in one of the databases, for one of the tables we are getting this:
error: Dumping the contents of table "bigtable" failed:
PQgetResult() fai
pg_dump: error: Error message from server: ERROR: could not
read block 0 in file "base/6328739/6340053": read only 0 of 8192
pg_dump: error: The command was: COPY public.bigtable (recordid,
containerid, record_type, description, overlaygroup) TO stdout;
Is there any way to recover?
Thanks in advance