Thank you for the update. Is there a way we can retain the physical slot during and after upgrade?
On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 10:53 AM Victor Sudakov <vas@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Nikhil Shetty wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Primary and Standby running on Postgres v11.7.
> I was following the document to upgrade a PG v11.7 cluster to PG v13.4.
> After upgrade using pg_upgrade on primary, I ran rsync to setup standby
> PG13 but when I started the primary, the replication slots were not
> present. How will standby start streaming in this case?
> We are using physical replication slots.
You can create the replication slots manually with
pg_create_physical_replication_slot() any time.
However, unless you are very brave and know what you are doing, I'd
recommend using pg_basebackup to setup a standby, not rsync. You can
even use the -C and -S options of pg_basebackup to create the slots
for you, and many other pg_basebackup's nice options.
Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE