Re: pgbouncer logs and its efficiency

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On 02.02.22 09:45, Victor Sudakov wrote:
2. How would you calculate the efficiency of pgbouncer, like
client_conns/server_conns ratio (current and average over over time)?

This depends heavily on what you are using pgbouncer for and what
metrics are relevant for your application.

The relevant metric would be the client_conns/server_conns ratio. If
there have been 1000 client connections/disconnections and they have
caused only 100 new backends to start, I'd consider it a good ratio.

The question is how to estimate it.

You can count the number of rows in the SHOW CLIENTS and SHOW SERVERS output and chart them using your favorite metrics collection system. There are various tools and recipes out there on how to collect metrics from pgbouncer and push them into metrics or graphing systems.

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