Hi all,
I've been a user of PostgreSQL for many, many years now. I tend to compile from source, in /usr/local/src.. My current postgresql server is running Fedora 35. Beginning with Postgres 13.4 (and 14.0 and 14.1) the postgres compilation process has begun failing, complaining about several libraries (specifically libpgtypes.pc, libecpg.pc, libpq.pc and libecpg_compat.pc).
Since all of these are contained witihin the source distribution itself, why is the make process unable to find them?
I attempted adding them via a configuration option ( full configure invocation is ./configure --with-libraries=/usr/local/src/postgresql-13.4/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib,/usr/local/src/postgresql-13.4/src/interfaces/ecpg/compatlib,/usr/local/src/postgresql-13.4/src/interfaces/libpq,/usr/local/src/postgresql-13.4/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib), but it does not work.
Apologies if I'm overlooking something "simple" here, I'm just a bit taken aback by why the compilation process suddenly as of 13.4has begun failing for this reason. Is this a mistake in one of the build scripts somewhere or... ?
Thanks much and Happy New Year!