;;postgres = host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres
postgres = host=localhost dbname=postgres
user1=pool_mode=session max_user_connections=2
Thanks for sharing !If you don't mind . Can you please share your configuration file. I want to see what I am missing.That will help alot !Regards,On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 10:11 PM Godfrin, Philippe E <Philippe.Godfrin@xxxxxxx> wrote:>
>From: Daulat daulat.dba@xxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 1:28 AM
>To: MichaelDBA MichaelDBA@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Cc: Godfrin, Philippe E Philippe.Godfrin@xxxxxxx; Achilleas Mantzios achill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Limits user connection in pgbouncer
>Hi Michael ,
>I have tried by setting the below entry under the users section but still I am able to make more than 2 connections. Please suggest what I am missing here ?
>user1 = pool_mode=transaction max_user_connections=2
>Here are my other details:
>db1 = host=localhost dbname=db1
>logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
>pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.pid
>listen_addr = *
>listen_port = 6432
>auth_type = md5
>auth_file = /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt
>admin_users = postgres
>pool_mode = session
>max_client_conn = 300
>max_db_connections = 2
>max_user_connections = 2
>On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 6:38 PM MichaelDBA MichaelDBA@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>Hi all,
>If you add the user to the database specification, then you can limit connections per user:
>db1 = host=localhost dbname=db1 pool_size=2 user=myuser
>Michael Vitale
>Godfrin, Philippe E wrote on 12/13/2021 7:57 AM:
>On 13/12/21 10:05 π.μ., Daulat wrote:
>Hello Team,
>How can we limit the user to make a specific number of connections to the database?
>Just specify this in the db definition configuration :
>db1 = host=localhost dbname=db1 pool_size=2
>but it will apply to every user, so that every user's pool will have max 2 connections, not only user1.
>Alternatively you could set "ALTER ROLE .. CONNECTION LIMIT connlimit " for user1 individually.
Works for me, with these relevant parameters:
postgres@tstudb01:/postgres/admin/pgb=> grep "^[[:alpha:]]" pgbo_644401.ini
testuid=pool_mode=session max_user_connections=2
pool_mode = transaction
max_client_conn = 1000
reserve_pool_size = 50
reserve_pool_timeout = 5
max_user_connections = 300
server_connect_timeout = 15
server_login_retry = 1
client_idle_timeout = 0
client_login_timeout = 30
postgres@tstudb01:~=> sq -p6444 - testuid -dtsdb
Pager usage is off.
Time: 0.296 ms
psql (13.3 (Ubuntu 13.3-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
[tsdb@] # \conninfo
You are connected to database "tsdb" as user " testuid " on host "localhost" (address "") at port "6444".
[tsdb@] #
postgres@tstudb01:~=> sq -p6444 - testuid -dtsdb
Pager usage is off.
Time: 3.105 ms
psql (13.3 (Ubuntu 13.3-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
[tsdb@] # \conninfo
You are connected to database "tsdb" as user " testuid " on host "localhost" (address "") at port "6444".
[tsdb@] #
postgres@tstudb01:/postgres/admin/pgb=> sq -p6444 - testuid -dtsdb
Pager usage is off.
postgres@tstudb01:~=> sq -p6444 - testuid -dtsdb
Pager usage is off.
Looking at active processes does not tell you the whole story:
postgres@tstudb01:/postgres/admin/pgb=> psh |grep testuid
postgres 22980 2899 0 16:26 ? 00:00:00 postgres: unidb01: testuid tsdb idle
postgres 23122 20603 0 16:29 pts/4 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/psql -p6444 -dtsdb -hlocalhost -p6444 -Utestuid -dtsdb
postgres 23157 2899 0 16:29 ? 00:00:00 postgres: unidb01: godfrinpe tsdb idle
postgres 23158 20718 0 16:29 pts/5 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/psql -p6444 -dtsdb -hlocalhost -p6444 - Utestuid -dtsdb
postgres 23168 16349 0 16:29 pts/2 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/psql -p6444 -dtsdb -hlocalhost -p6444 - Utestuid -dtsdb
postgres 23176 23048 0 16:29 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/psql -p6444 -dtsdb -hlocalhost -p6444 - Utestuid -dtsdb
The idle processes are the only two that are actually connected…