I determined what the problem was this morning, there was one
error about a foreign key violation, which I did not really see
earlier. so I removed two foreign key constraints from the target
table. The load then worked properly, and some 600k records are
now loaded.
On 11/6/2021 9:25 AM, MichaelDBA wrote:
I think you are pointing to the wrong binaries.
Use the absolute path to your pg_dump binary to make sure you are using the version you think you are using. For example:
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_dump -h original_server -t original_schema.table_name -U user -W dbname > table_name.sql
And for the target do the same for psql plus add the stop on error parm:
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/psql -h target_server -U user newdbname -v _ON_ERROR_STOP_=1 < table_name.sql
Michael Vitale