I need to migrate my databases from the centOS7 with postgres9 to Rocky8.4 with postgres10. In the past, as postgres user, I initialized the database with “initdb --locale=C -D /var/lib/pgsql/data” using locale=C to overcome UTF8 errors when restoring the database backup. To initialize the postgres10 database, tutorials recommended using, “postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql” which does not allow --locale=C.
With out using --locale=C, when I import my databases I get the encoding errors. psql -U postgres -f pg_dbs.bkp postgres ERROR: encoding "LATIN1" does not match locale "en_US.UTF-8" DETAIL: The chosen LC_CTYPE setting requires encoding "UTF8". Is there an alternate way to set --locale=C using the “postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql” command? When I backup my databases using pg_dumpall (pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > pg_dbs.bkp), is there a way to strip the encoding or change the encoding to UTF8? Thanks Marc |