Assuming we are at V12 or higher, simply remove standby.signal if
exists in datadir and add the empty file recovery.signal in datadir. Regards, Gokan Atmaca wrote on 9/9/2021 10:29 AM: You need to restore the databases in a different directory, the "recover" the one you want.When I do a PITR, the database is in recovery mode. (in archive recovery) What do I need to do to get it back in "in production" mode? On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 4:19 PM Frédéric Boulet <boulet.f@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:You need to restore the databases in a different directory, the "recover" the one you want. Le mar. 7 sept. 2021 à 15:01, Gokan Atmaca <linux.gokan@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :You can restore 1 database, but be careful, the other databases are also created but empty !you're right, now I get it. :) On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 2:55 PM Frédéric Boulet <boulet.f@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hello, You can restore 1 database, but be careful, the other databases are also created but empty ! BR Le mar. 7 sept. 2021 à 13:52, Victor Yegorov <vyegorov@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :вт, 7 сент. 2021 г. в 13:32, Gokan Atmaca <linux.gokan@xxxxxxxxx>:Using PgBackRest I am able to restore the backup from 2 minutes ago. Can I restore only one database?Yup. Look for --db-include -- Victor Yegorov |