Thanks Vijay/ Gilles for your help.
I would check how I can include it for my requirement.
On Fri, Aug 6, 2021, 8:02 PM Gilles Darold <gilles@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Maybe this implementation [1] of Oracle DBMS_ERRLOG for PostgreSQL could
correspond to what you are looking for.
Best regards,
Gilles Darold
MigOps Inc
Le 06/08/2021 à 13:35, Mukesh Rajpurohit a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am porting oracle procedures into postgresql code and
> some oracle procedure contain error log table and save exception code.
> I could not find any equivalent of it in postgresql.
> Please help if any pointer or lead to its solution.
> Thank you in advance,
> Mukesh
Gilles Darold