I tried with wal_compression=on but seems to have no effect
Massimo Ortensi - Responsabile
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 21 -
40131, Bologna
Tel. 051 4195069
Cell. 3351092560
Il 16/06/2021 16.54, Vijaykumar Jain ha
On Wed, 16 Jun 2021 at 13:41, Massimo Ortensi <mortensi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
is there any way to compress the traffic for streaming replication ?
I think this should help reduce traffic as it would decompress only when replaying.I have not used it, but now that you asked, I will test it out.
Also, pg_basebackup supports gzip stream, and so does COPY but I do not see exclusive mention of compression support in replication slot details.But if you try having a sidecar like envoyproxy or any tcpproxy per server, maybe communication between sidecars can be compressed but not db to sidecar.Gzip Compressor — envoy 1.19.0-dev-069478 documentation (envoyproxy.io) (this is not pg stuff but ... )
[pg -> sidecar -> compressed wal stream] -> [sidecar -> decompress -> pg]I have not tried any option, FYI.
Thanks,VijayMumbai, India