On a ubuntu 18.04 server with Apache2 and pgadmin 4.5 we try to set up ldap bindings
The installation is performed as web so its in /usr/pgadmin/web
When performing a ldapsearch from the cli we established a connection and get result for the search. But when trying to logon to the web portal with a domainuser (first added in the portal) the response is "wrong username or password" In the pgadmin4.log we receive a "ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPBindError: automatic bind not successful - invalidCredentials"
settings added in config_system.py or config_local.py will not be executed so we need to apply these settings directly in config.py
The settings we have altered are:
AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES = ['ldap','internal']
LDAP_SERVER_URI = 'ldap://some-dc02:389'
LDAP_BIND_USER = 'cn=ldap_admin,ou=service-accounts,dc=company,dc=local'
LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = 'xxx123456'
LDAP_BASE_DN = 'CN=users,CN=dep,dc=company,dc=local'
LDAP_SEARCH_BASE_DN = 'CN=users,dc=company,dc=local'
LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER = '(objectclass=*)'
Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
Wim Duizer
IT beheer
Nelen & Schuurmans
+31 (0)30 233 0200 | +31 (0)6 34 55 70 18
Zakkendragershof 34-44, 3511AE, Utrecht