I used pgAdmin 3 with Greenplum v4 (postgrelsq 8.2) and liked it. I have issue with Greenplum v5 (postgresql 8.3) that function and view DDL are not displaying due to some issue.
We tested pgAdmin 4 with Greenplum v5 and like it, but have to reject it because end users will send performance queries frequently.
Can someone advice on how to disable performance query? Or recommend a version of gpAdmin 4 to work with Greenplum v5 (postgresql 8.3)?
On Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 02:56:22 PM PDT, Tom McCubbin <tom.mccubbin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've been using postgres for around 22 years. PgAdmin < 4 was not pretty, but worked well.
But you guys have done an absolute bang up job pgAdmin4.
And I just wanted to say thank you.
ps - sorry to post to the list but I didn't see any other way. Not like people still use IRC ;)