On 2/18/21 10:24 AM, John Scalia wrote:
One of my developers asked me about this, and he suggested running the following update:
UPDATE pg_index SET indisready=false
WHERE indrelid = (select oid from pg_class where release = ‘his_table’);
He found that on the Internet:
I told him it’s never a good idea to update anything in a system catalog by hand, but that I would reach out here for a better opinion. Am I correct that he shouldn’t try this, or is he OK to do this? His table has approximately 8 different indexes on it, and those really slow down his bulk loads. Usually when I have to get involved, I just drop his indexes and rebuild them afterwards, and I know that is always safe.
Disabling indices "just" saves having to run X number of CREATE INDEX
statements, which is nothing to sneeze at since it's one less place to have
to remember to update: "REINDEX <table>;" just handles it all.
Just as importantly, the index you want to drop might be a PK supporting a FK.
(Postgresql really needs ALTER INDEX ... DISABLE and ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE
ALL INDEXES;" statements.)
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