RE: Data Type to store Leading Zero(0)

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Thanks , will test this both as need to check the entity mappings from my Java spring boot.


From: Kanninen Anssi EXT <Anssi.Kanninen@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: woensdag 20 januari 2021 12:29
To: pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Data Type to store Leading Zero(0)




How about storing the actual number in TEXT column and adding a separate INT primary key column where you either copy the number or use it as a generated column?


Or, if you actually want to include the leading zeroes in the primary key, how about two-column primary key like this:

number_of_leading_zeroes  smallint,
the_number                                integer


So, the number "0005556879" would become a primary key (3, 5556879).



Anssi Kanninen


From: Nidhi Gupta <nidhig631@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: keskiviikko 20. tammikuuta 2021 13.20
To: soumik.bhattacharjee@xxxxxxx
Cc: pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Data Type to store Leading Zero(0)


Use datatype smallint(1) for storing zero or use Boolean datatype.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, 4:43 PM <soumik.bhattacharjee@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Experts,


As per business needs we need to store Zero(0) in primary key column of table  with this kind of value à  07******** with applications written in Java microservices.


We are not able to use numeric data type as it trims the Zero value in leading, but it’s also a performance impact if we define varchar in the data type.


Please suggest.




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