On 1/14/21 7:31 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
S Bob <sbob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I set:
log_min_duration_statement = 0
and restarted the cluster but if I connect via psql and check it's still
If you just did "SET" then it'd only affect the current session.
I tried an alter system, now if I cat the auto.conf file i see:
$ cat postgresql.auto.conf
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.
log_min_duration_statement = '0'
Hmm, that should have worked. What do you see in
select * from pg_settings where name = 'log_min_duration_statement';
(the "source..." columns are important here)
regards, tom lane
postgres=# \x
Expanded display is on.
postgres=# select * from pg_settings where name =
name | log_min_duration_statement
setting | -1
unit | ms
category | Reporting and Logging / When to Log
short_desc | Sets the minimum execution time above which statements
will be logged.
extra_desc | Zero prints all queries. -1 turns this feature off.
context | superuser
vartype | integer
source | user
min_val | -1
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | -1
reset_val | -1
sourcefile |
sourceline |
pending_restart | f