On Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 03:31:32PM +0200, Yambu wrote: > If i use logical replication , can i not make it work? Well yes, you can write to the subscriber if you use logical replication. However, there are severe drawbacks in this, e.g. you will have to resolve conflicts yourself, DDL isn't possible unless you do it manually, sequences are not replicated etc. pp. Logical replication for itself is not a general HA tool for Postgres right now but if implemented carefully can be used for some use cases like merging several databases into a data warehouse or carefully only changing data locally. Michael -- Michael Banck Projektleiter / Senior Berater Tel.: +49 2166 9901-171 Fax: +49 2166 9901-100 Email: michael.banck@xxxxxxxxxxx credativ GmbH, HRB Mönchengladbach 12080 USt-ID-Nummer: DE204566209 Trompeterallee 108, 41189 Mönchengladbach Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Meskes, Jörg Folz, Sascha Heuer Unser Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten unterliegt folgenden Bestimmungen: https://www.credativ.de/datenschutz