Re: How to manage null value while copy data from csv

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On 31 Dec 2020, at 17:25, Sachin Kumar wrote:

when I am uploading data (CSV File) using the COPY command. I am getting
below mention error.
ERROR: null value in column "adj_type" violates not-null constraint.

This indicates the relevant column in the database table has been defined to never allow a NULL value.

When I define null it gives no error message, but how to manage null value
n data without defining it, because there is many more columns. when it
defines null it gives an error if null value comes you are violating null.

What is meant by “define null”? Is this where you put a real value in the CSV, or a dummy text value such as “null”?
You could massage the csv so all the gaps get a dummy value, then handle this in the SQL table.


Please suggest how to manage null value in postgresql?

Basic options

  1. Fix the raw csv data so there are no gaps — the person who defined the database wasn’t expecting any
  2. Fix the database so it will accept NULL values — assuming this is ok with the business model
  3. Accept the csv data into a temporary table which tolerates NULL, massage the data then insert into the real database

Gavan Schneider

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