FYI, we resolved this issue. The problem was having pg_show_plans listed in shared_preload_libraries. We removed pg_show_plans from the shared_preload_libraries and we were able to successfully create the logical replication slot.
On Dec 16, 2020, 3:20 PM -0700, Craig Jackson <crajac66@xxxxxxxxx>, wrote:
Hi All,
We get the following error when trying to test creating a logical replication slot in Postgres version 11.9
>SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('regression_slot', 'test_decoding');
ERROR: cannot create logical replication slot in transaction that has performed writes
We are running the above command from psql and have tried issuing a rollback prior to running the command but still get the same error.
We have the following settings enabled:
>show wal_level;
>show max_replication_slots;
Any suggestions on what may be causing the above error are appreciated.
Craig Jackson