Sachin Kumar schrieb am 17.11.2020 um 18:34:
3. while running the query on 1 million cards it is taking too much time, say 150 min. is there any way I can reduce it. *Query I am using* UPDATE hk_card_master_test m SET "ACCOUNT_NUMBER" = v."v_account_number", "ISSUANCE_NUMBER" = v."v_issuance_number","cron"=1 FROM ( SELECT h."id",h."CARD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" ,h."ACCOUNT_NUMBER" ,h."ISSUANCE_NUMBER",c."ACCOUNT_NUMBER" v_account_number,c."ISSUANCE_NUMBER" v_issuance_number FROM hk_card_master_test h JOIN vdaccount_card_bank c ON SUBSTR(c."ACCOUNT_NUMBER", 1, 10) = h."CARD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" ORDER BY h."id" ASC LIMIT 1000 ) AS v WHERE m."CARD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" = v."CARD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER";
The target table of an UPDATE shouldn't be repeated in the FROM clause in Postgres. Not sure why you have the LIMIT in the sub-select, but if that is only for testing purposes, then I think the following should do what you want, but much faster: UPDATE hk_card_master_test m SET "ACCOUNT_NUMBER" = v."v_account_number", "ISSUANCE_NUMBER" = v."v_issuance_number", "cron"=1 FROM vdaccount_card_bank v WHERE SUBSTR(v."ACCOUNT_NUMBER", 1, 10) = m."CARD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" You probably want those indexes: create index on vdaccount_card_bank ( (SUBSTR("ACCOUNT_NUMBER", 1, 10) ); create index on hk_card_master_test ("CARD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER"); Unrelated to your question, but using quoted/uppercase identifiers is generally discouraged in Postgres:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_upper_case_table_or_column_names you probably will have a lot less trouble if you get rid of those. Thomas