Is there any way for me to discover what happened?
I have observed this time to time, that after a while I would suddenly no longer be able to loging with the initial PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL, PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD.
Using "forget password" also does nothing, no email was ever sent. This happened to me quite a few times. I'm using pgadmin k8 chart 1.2.2. No change has been made to the deployment ever after initial deployment. Even now I can verify that the environment inside the container still holds the same value for PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL and PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD.
The log file is also empty along this all:
/var/log/pgadmin $ ls -lrt
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 pgadmin pgadmin 0 Sep 1 22:08 pgadmin4.log
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 pgadmin pgadmin 0 Sep 1 22:08 pgadmin4.log
Is there any way for me to discover what happened?