Hi, It depends on what you want to achieve with using packages. If you just want to group a number of functions and procedures, just create a schema for it (schemas are totally unrelated to users in PostgreSQL), e. g. CREATE SCHEMA functions; and then CREATE FUNCTION functions.f1 (integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plgpsql AS $$ ... $$; Unfortunately, there are no schema related variables. You will have to resort to saving values in some (temporary, unlogged, normal) table. There is another way of using a setting as a variable described here: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/165361/assign-the-result-of-current-settingthe-setting-to-a-variable-in-pl-pgsql/165372#165372 Regards, Holger Am 06.08.20 um 14:22 schrieb Firthouse banu: > Hi Postgres master minds, > > Am currently working on migrating databases from oracle to Postgres. > Am going to work on crons and packages in oracle which needs to be > converted in Postgres. How to convert package in oracle to Postgres. > Is there any equivalent in Postgres if not how it works in Postgres. > > Eagerly waiting for replies. > > Thanks > -- Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach, Tel. +49-178-9759012