Hi Team,We have postgreSQL 9.6 installed for our product using PostgreSQL interactive installer (postgresql-9.6.17-1-linux-x64.run) in Linux. Now we wanted to upgrade it to 10.13 using (postgresql-10.13-1-linux-x64. run). While doing it, getting below error. Command I have used:./postgresql-10.13-1-linux-x64.run --installer-language en --serviceaccount postgres --servicename postgres --datadir "/home/postgres/data" --prefix "/home/postgres" --serverport 5432 --mode unattended Error:The existing data directory (catalog version: 201608131) is not compatible with this server (catalog version: 201707211)Can anyone have some insight on this? Thanks in advance
You cannot must update the software, the data needs to be made compatible with the new version.
You should start by reading the documentation here:
David J.