Greetings to all, or whoever can answer me on this list.
I would like to manage my postgresql service with a web interface, I have found pgadmin and I see that it has a constant and stable development, so it would be my option similar to phpmyadmin, but my vps has cpanel, and the web server lite speed, it is possible to install the frontend to graphically manage my DB, without the need for a desktop client?

I would like to manage my postgresql service with a web interface, I have found pgadmin and I see that it has a constant and stable development, so it would be my option similar to phpmyadmin, but my vps has cpanel, and the web server lite speed, it is possible to install the frontend to graphically manage my DB, without the need for a desktop client?
Saludos a todos, o a quien pueda responderme en esta lista.
quisiera administrar mi servicio de postgresql con una interface web, he encontrado pgadmin y veo que tiene un desarrollo constante y estable, entonces seria mi opcion similar a phpmyadmin, pero mi vps tiene cpanel, y el servidor web lite speed, es posible instalar el frontend para administrar graficamente mi DB, sin necesidad de un cliente desktop?
quisiera administrar mi servicio de postgresql con una interface web, he encontrado pgadmin y veo que tiene un desarrollo constante y estable, entonces seria mi opcion similar a phpmyadmin, pero mi vps tiene cpanel, y el servidor web lite speed, es posible instalar el frontend para administrar graficamente mi DB, sin necesidad de un cliente desktop?