I attended two interesting online courses by 2ndQuadrant recently, about MVCC and Freezing , and I started to seriously dig into this for the first time in our almost 20-yrs postgersql installation
(running 10.x currently).
I thought of using the info from the statistics collector : pg_stat_database xact_commit and pg_stat_database.xact_rollback but to my surprise this gave very high numbers, almost 20 times up , so I
wrote a cron to insert every morning into an archive/historic table : pgstat_database_arc which is basically the schema of pgstat_database plus a timestamp col. And I got two instances of it one
yesterday and one this morning :
dynacom=# select xmin,datname,xact_commit+xact_rollback as num_of_xacts,ts from pgstat_database_arc WHERE datname='dynacom';
xmin | datname | num_of_xacts | ts
813560437 | dynacom | 7734784237 | 2020-05-31 18:37:08.950399+03
813889272 | dynacom | 7740424341 | 2020-06-01 08:00:01.912157+03
(2 rows)
But the reported increase in the total number of xacts is 7740424341 - 7734784237 = 5640104 , while the actual xid consumption (using xmin, this table only does inserts) is : 813889272 - 813560437 =
328835. The xid difference (via xmin) is compatible with another system that I maintain (for our custom replication solution), so I am wondering why this almost 20-fold difference between actual xid
consumption and pg_stat_database metrics.
Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt