Hi Team,
I am copying data from S3 to local using psql copy command but file name path is daily changing. so i am trying to put '*' but its giving error.
I am trying below command from psql prompt.
copy tablename from 's3://S3-bucket-name//detailedconsumption/*/*/file.json' credentials 'aws_iam_role=arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx:role/RedshiftS3Role2' region 'xxxxx' GZIP CSV IGNOREHEADER 1 TIMEFORMAT 'auto' manifest;
Below error message we got.
ERROR: Problem reading manifest file - S3ServiceException:The specified key does not exist.,Status 404,Error NoSuchKey,Rid 81DF7C1A9B0BE7BF,ExtRid Cx+8oamynCoaG6IAMEbbgwGM1ngpCJSuJ/8az1nX/C2djLLlo2huhzLzQBAQrTORXoglc1zOO7E=,CanRetry 1
Please suggest method in place of '*'.