On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 7:45 AM Ashok kumar Mani <amani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Classification: Internal
Dear All
Could you please some one help on this below issue ? I could n;t able to find any meaning on this below?
test=# drop user amosuser_test;
ERROR: role "amosuser_test" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL: privileges for database test
From the documentation...
A role cannot be removed if it is still referenced in any database of the cluster; an error will be raised if so. Before dropping the role, you must drop all the objects it owns (or reassign their ownership) and revoke any privileges the role has been granted on other objects. The REASSIGN OWNED and DROP OWNED commands can be useful for this purpose; see Section 21.4 for more discussion.
David J.