Hi, Team,
Recently I find that PGDG YUM repository kindly place all pgAdmin4 packages in a new repo, pgdg-common.
And I find that the package "python3-psycopg2" is not placed in the same place; it is in "pgdg10" repo.
Should it be moved to the same place as other pgAdmin4 packages?
Best Regards.
[root@pgadmin ~]# yum install pgadmin4
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
epel/x86_64/metalink | 9.0 kB 00:00:00
* base: centos.mirror.hostinginside.com
* epel: fedora.cs.nctu.edu.tw
* extras: centos.mirror.hostinginside.com
* updates: centos.mirror.hostinginside.com
epel | 4.7 kB 00:00:00
(1/3): epel/x86_64/group_gz | 95 kB 00:00:00
(2/3): epel/x86_64/updateinfo | 1.0 MB 00:00:00
(3/3): epel/x86_64/primary_db | 6.8 MB 00:00:01
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package pgadmin4.x86_64 0:4.20-1.rhel7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: pgadmin4-python3-sqlalchemy >= 1.2.18 for package: pgadmin4-4.20-1.rhel7.x86_64
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
epel/x86_64/metalink | 9.0 kB 00:00:00
* base: centos.mirror.hostinginside.com
* epel: fedora.cs.nctu.edu.tw
* extras: centos.mirror.hostinginside.com
* updates: centos.mirror.hostinginside.com
epel | 4.7 kB 00:00:00
(1/3): epel/x86_64/group_gz | 95 kB 00:00:00
(2/3): epel/x86_64/updateinfo | 1.0 MB 00:00:00
(3/3): epel/x86_64/primary_db | 6.8 MB 00:00:01
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package pgadmin4.x86_64 0:4.20-1.rhel7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: pgadmin4-python3-sqlalchemy >= 1.2.18 for package: pgadmin4-4.20-1.rhel7.x86_64
. . . Skip . . .
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
pgadmin4 x86_64 4.20-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 12 k
Installing for dependencies:
apr x86_64 1.4.8-5.el7 base 103 k
apr-util x86_64 1.5.2-6.el7 base 92 k
audit-libs-python x86_64 2.8.5-4.el7 base 76 k
centos-logos noarch 70.0.6-3.el7.centos base 21 M
checkpolicy x86_64 2.5-8.el7 base 295 k
httpd x86_64 2.4.6-90.el7.centos base 2.7 M
httpd-tools x86_64 2.4.6-90.el7.centos base 91 k
libcgroup x86_64 0.41-21.el7 base 66 k
libselinux-python x86_64 2.5-14.1.el7 base 235 k
libsemanage-python x86_64 2.5-14.el7 base 113 k
libtirpc x86_64 0.2.4-0.16.el7 base 89 k
mailcap noarch 2.1.41-2.el7 base 31 k
pgadmin4-docs noarch 4.20-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 42 M
pgadmin4-python3-Flask-Mail noarch 0.9.1-5.rhel7 pgdg-common 19 k
pgadmin4-python3-alembic noarch 0.9.7-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 265 k
pgadmin4-python3-babel noarch 2.3.4-3.rhel7 pgdg-common 4.8 M
pgadmin4-python3-backports.csv noarch 1:1.0.5-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 28 k
pgadmin4-python3-blinker noarch 1.4-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 107 k
pgadmin4-python3-dateutil noarch 1:2.8.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 286 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask noarch 1:1.0.2-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 151 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-babelex noarch 0.9.3-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 18 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-compress noarch 1.4.0-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 11 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-gravatar noarch 0.5.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 12 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-login noarch 0.4.1-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 30 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-migrate noarch 2.4.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 24 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-paranoid noarch 0.2-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 10 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-principal noarch 0.4.0-15.rhel7 pgdg-common 16 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-security-too noarch 3.3.3-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 140 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-sqlalchemy noarch 2.4.1-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 78 k
Package Arch Version Repository Size
pgadmin4 x86_64 4.20-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 12 k
Installing for dependencies:
apr x86_64 1.4.8-5.el7 base 103 k
apr-util x86_64 1.5.2-6.el7 base 92 k
audit-libs-python x86_64 2.8.5-4.el7 base 76 k
centos-logos noarch 70.0.6-3.el7.centos base 21 M
checkpolicy x86_64 2.5-8.el7 base 295 k
httpd x86_64 2.4.6-90.el7.centos base 2.7 M
httpd-tools x86_64 2.4.6-90.el7.centos base 91 k
libcgroup x86_64 0.41-21.el7 base 66 k
libselinux-python x86_64 2.5-14.1.el7 base 235 k
libsemanage-python x86_64 2.5-14.el7 base 113 k
libtirpc x86_64 0.2.4-0.16.el7 base 89 k
mailcap noarch 2.1.41-2.el7 base 31 k
pgadmin4-docs noarch 4.20-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 42 M
pgadmin4-python3-Flask-Mail noarch 0.9.1-5.rhel7 pgdg-common 19 k
pgadmin4-python3-alembic noarch 0.9.7-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 265 k
pgadmin4-python3-babel noarch 2.3.4-3.rhel7 pgdg-common 4.8 M
pgadmin4-python3-backports.csv noarch 1:1.0.5-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 28 k
pgadmin4-python3-blinker noarch 1.4-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 107 k
pgadmin4-python3-dateutil noarch 1:2.8.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 286 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask noarch 1:1.0.2-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 151 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-babelex noarch 0.9.3-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 18 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-compress noarch 1.4.0-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 11 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-gravatar noarch 0.5.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 12 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-login noarch 0.4.1-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 30 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-migrate noarch 2.4.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 24 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-paranoid noarch 0.2-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 10 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-principal noarch 0.4.0-15.rhel7 pgdg-common 16 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-security-too noarch 3.3.3-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 140 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-sqlalchemy noarch 2.4.1-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 78 k
pgadmin4-python3-flask-wtf noarch 0.14.3-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 55 k
pgadmin4-python3-itsdangerous noarch 0.24-11.rhel7 pgdg-common 25 k
pgadmin4-python3-jinja2 noarch 2.8-10.rhel7 pgdg-common 245 k
pgadmin4-python3-mako noarch 1.1.1-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 134 k
pgadmin4-python3-markupsafe x86_64 0.23-14.rhel7 pgdg-common 30 k
pgadmin4-python3-mod_wsgi x86_64 4.6.8-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 779 k
pgadmin4-python3-passlib noarch 1.7.2-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 750 k
pgadmin4-python3-psutil x86_64 5.5.1-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 378 k
pgadmin4-python3-simplejson x86_64 3.16.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 187 k
pgadmin4-python3-six noarch 1.12.0-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 31 k
pgadmin4-python3-speaklater noarch 1.3-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 11 k
pgadmin4-python3-sqlalchemy x86_64 1.3.13-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 3.9 M
pgadmin4-python3-sqlparse noarch 0.2.4-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 74 k
pgadmin4-python3-sshtunnel noarch 0.1.4-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 40 k
pgadmin4-python3-werkzeug noarch 0.15.4-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 464 k
pgadmin4-python3-wtforms noarch 2.2.1-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 181 k
pgadmin4-pytz noarch 2018.9-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 48 k
pgadmin4-web noarch 4.20-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 5.1 M
policycoreutils-python x86_64 2.5-33.el7 base 457 k
postgresql12-libs x86_64 12.2-2PGDG.rhel7 pgdg12 367 k
python-IPy noarch 0.75-6.el7 base 32 k
python3 x86_64 3.6.8-10.el7 base 69 k
python3-libs x86_64 3.6.8-10.el7 base 7.0 M
python3-pip noarch 9.0.3-7.el7_7 updates 1.8 M
python3-psycopg2 x86_64 2.8.5-1.rhel7 pgdg10 172 k
python3-setuptools noarch 39.2.0-10.el7 base 629 k
python36-asn1crypto noarch 0.24.0-7.el7 epel 180 k
python36-cffi x86_64 1.9.1-3.el7 epel 219 k
python36-click noarch 6.7-8.el7 epel 127 k
python36-cryptography x86_64 2.3-2.el7 epel 509 k
python36-idna noarch 2.7-2.el7 epel 98 k
python36-paramiko noarch 2.1.1-0.10.el7 epel 272 k
python36-ply noarch 3.9-2.el7 epel 103 k
python36-pyasn1 noarch 0.4.7-1.el7 epel 173 k
python36-pycparser noarch 2.14-2.el7 epel 95 k
pgadmin4-python3-itsdangerous noarch 0.24-11.rhel7 pgdg-common 25 k
pgadmin4-python3-jinja2 noarch 2.8-10.rhel7 pgdg-common 245 k
pgadmin4-python3-mako noarch 1.1.1-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 134 k
pgadmin4-python3-markupsafe x86_64 0.23-14.rhel7 pgdg-common 30 k
pgadmin4-python3-mod_wsgi x86_64 4.6.8-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 779 k
pgadmin4-python3-passlib noarch 1.7.2-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 750 k
pgadmin4-python3-psutil x86_64 5.5.1-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 378 k
pgadmin4-python3-simplejson x86_64 3.16.0-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 187 k
pgadmin4-python3-six noarch 1.12.0-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 31 k
pgadmin4-python3-speaklater noarch 1.3-4.rhel7 pgdg-common 11 k
pgadmin4-python3-sqlalchemy x86_64 1.3.13-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 3.9 M
pgadmin4-python3-sqlparse noarch 0.2.4-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 74 k
pgadmin4-python3-sshtunnel noarch 0.1.4-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 40 k
pgadmin4-python3-werkzeug noarch 0.15.4-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 464 k
pgadmin4-python3-wtforms noarch 2.2.1-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 181 k
pgadmin4-pytz noarch 2018.9-2.rhel7 pgdg-common 48 k
pgadmin4-web noarch 4.20-1.rhel7 pgdg-common 5.1 M
policycoreutils-python x86_64 2.5-33.el7 base 457 k
postgresql12-libs x86_64 12.2-2PGDG.rhel7 pgdg12 367 k
python-IPy noarch 0.75-6.el7 base 32 k
python3 x86_64 3.6.8-10.el7 base 69 k
python3-libs x86_64 3.6.8-10.el7 base 7.0 M
python3-pip noarch 9.0.3-7.el7_7 updates 1.8 M
python3-psycopg2 x86_64 2.8.5-1.rhel7 pgdg10 172 k
python3-setuptools noarch 39.2.0-10.el7 base 629 k
python36-asn1crypto noarch 0.24.0-7.el7 epel 180 k
python36-cffi x86_64 1.9.1-3.el7 epel 219 k
python36-click noarch 6.7-8.el7 epel 127 k
python36-cryptography x86_64 2.3-2.el7 epel 509 k
python36-idna noarch 2.7-2.el7 epel 98 k
python36-paramiko noarch 2.1.1-0.10.el7 epel 272 k
python36-ply noarch 3.9-2.el7 epel 103 k
python36-pyasn1 noarch 0.4.7-1.el7 epel 173 k
python36-pycparser noarch 2.14-2.el7 epel 95 k
python36-six noarch 1.12.0-1.el7 epel 33 k
pytz noarch 2016.10-2.el7 base 46 k
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package (+67 Dependent packages)
pytz noarch 2016.10-2.el7 base 46 k
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package (+67 Dependent packages)
. . . Skip . . .
徐嘉群 / Brandon Hsu 0912423813
歐立威科技 Omniwaresoft Technology Inc.
Tel: (02)-2558-2656 #117 Fax:02-2558-5559
E-mail : brandon.hsu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
部落格 : http://ravenonhill.blogspot.tw/
Address: 10349台北市大同區鄭州路 87 號 10 樓
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