There is no current lag on the replicas. Replication does traverse a firewall, but we have made no changes recently.
I will say that one of the hot standbys was only recently attached, and it seems like the issues started when we began sending some longer running queries it's way. We have since placed those queries back on the master, but the vacuum issues remain.
One side effect of whatever is happening, is that nightly backups are taking twice as long as normal.
---- On Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:47:21 -0700 Rui DeSousa <rui@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote ----
On Mar 26, 2020, at 4:18 PM, Darron Harrison <darron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I am not seeing anything suspicious on the master or slaves.I would ask what replication timeout values are but those where added in 9.3 (wal_reciver_timeout and wal_sender_timeout).Are all the replicas receiving updates and current or are they lagging? Does replication traverse any firewalls?