Hi Tom, group,
Thanks so much for your fast and great answer! I'll see what we can do, I don't know who wrote that piece of code, probably ages ago.. but I hope this workaround does it (and that I can reach a colleague tomorrow with some more plsql knowledge :-)
Take care!
On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 19:56, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Erika Knihti-Van Driessche <erika.knihti@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hope I'm in the correct mail group.. I don't have developer background, and
> after upgrade from 9.5 to 11.7 (RHEL7) the users complain about a trigger
> not working. Here's the error I find in logs:
> ERROR: record "old" is not assigned yet
> DETAIL: The tuple structure of a not-yet-assigned record is indeterminate.
> CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT OLD.Ffa_Id Is Null"
> PL/pgSQL function pg_fct_bus_fax_finance_employer() line 20 at IF
This is unsurprising in an ON-INSERT trigger, because the OLD record
isn't defined. It looks like this code was hoping to dodge that
problem with
> Declare
> EREC fax_finance_employer%ROWTYPE;
> ...
However, if you never assigned any value to the EREC variable, it's
not defined either, so I don't think this helps. There were some
behavioral changes in this area in plpgsql v11, so it looks like you
got bit by a corner case there. (Specifically, there's now a
difference between a null value and a row-of-nulls value for variables
of named composite types, as well as records, whereas before v11
record variables distinguished those cases while named-composite
variables didn't.) Maybe there's something there we should fix,
but even if we do it won't help you immediately.
I think the most reliable way to fix this is to recast the trigger
so that it does not attempt to access OLD if TG_OP indicates that
that's not relevant. So you'd need something like
if OLD.Ffa_Id Is Null Then
regards, tom lane