Hello everyone
Recently I start my adventure with pgAdmin4 on Windows. (I have worked several years on pgA3 bot I need to update postgresql from 9.3 to 11).
And now I have some issues with it. I hope that more practiced users can help me with it.
Basically it is usability problems. Maybe You have the same problems and found solution for it.
So main topics are:
1. Finding proper SQL file to open in query tool: when I am preparing some maintenance solution or report in our ERP system I am preparing SQL script and save it into a file. When I want to come back to it. So I open query tool > open file > select file. But main problem Is that I can’t find it by part of a name. Is there any trick of plugin to filter files by part of name? (in pgA3 it was explorer window so we can use search function)

2. Triggers on tables and its procedures. In pgAdmin3 I was able to go on table > Triggers > Name_of_trigger and expand definition of procedure to edit it. On pgA4 I can only read of its name and I must find it separately to reedit it.
3. Opening new Query tool from opened one. On pgA3 I can click NEW and its done. On v4 I need go to main panel tab, expand Tools > Query tool
Andrzej Gerasimuk