I also tested these commands on a PostgreSQL 12.1 and the error is the same.
------ Original Message ------
From: "Sterpu Victor" <victor@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: 2020-02-06 11:03:28 AM
Subject: Error "is not a table or materialized view" when creating a unique index on a materialized view on PostgreSQL 9.5.10
HelloI have PostgreSQL 9.5.10 and when I receive the error: <table> is not a table or materialized view when I try to create a unique index on a materialized view.These are the SQL commands:CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW public.focg_uni AS
SELECT f.nrfo,
to_char(min(fd.validfrom), 'YYYY'::text) AS anul_internarii
FROM focg f
JOIN focgdepartment fd ON fd.idfocg = f.id
GROUP BY f.nrfo
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX focg_uni_check_index ON focg_uni_check(nrfo, an);ERROR: "focg_uni_check" is not a table or materialized view
********** Error **********
ERROR: "focg_uni_check" is not a table or materialized view
SQL state: 42809
Thank you