Hi Wells, I am trying import CSV file in to Amazon RDS PostgreSQL I am getting following error , In internal PostgreSQL it works Here is the PSQL Script : can you also help me with Powershell to execute this script COPY product."tblProductLicenseType" FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/tblProductLicenseType.csv' DELIMITER E',' NULL '\N' QUOTE '"'
HEADER CSV ; COPY product."tblProductLicense" FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/tblProductLicense.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true,
force_null ("LicenseId", "Season", "ProductCode", "Account", "UserId", "StatusId", "CreateDate", "UpdateDate", "SourceId", ord_num, item_num, "lType"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY product."tblCobranderUserSeasonProduct" FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/tblCobranderUserSeasonProduct.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER
',', header true, force_null ("uspId", "CobranderUserLinkId", season, prod_cd, "statusId", "statusDate", "createdBy", "createdDate", "modifiedBy", "modifiedDate"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY product."tblDailyFundedBankProducts" FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/tblDailyFundedBankProducts.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER
',', header true, force_null ("Account", "UserID", "BankProductSeason", "TransmitterPaymentDate", "FundedBankProducts", "ProtectionPlusFunded"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY product."tblProductSoftwarePackage"("ProductCode", "Season", "SoftwarePackageId", "CreateDate", "UpdateDate" , "createdBy", "updatedBy") FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/tblProductSoftwarePackage.csv'
WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null ("ProductCode", "Season", "SoftwarePackageId", "CreateDate", "UpdateDate", "createdBy", "updatedBy"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY product."tblUserProductEval" FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/tblUserProductEval.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true,
force_null ("evalId", "userId", "prodCd", "licenseId", "evalStartDate", "evalEndDate", "createdBy", "createdDate", "modifiedBy", "modifiedDate"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY orders."OrderType" FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/OrderType.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null ("OrderTypeCode",
"Description"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY orders.orders(ord_num, ord_stat, account, user_id, season, county, tax_rate, tax_amt, disc_pct, disc_amt, freight, ord_tot, bal_due, pmt1_amt, pmt1_dt, pmt2_amt,
pmt2_dt, note1, note2, sales_exec, split, chk_num1, chk_name1, chk_amt1, exp_mon1, exp_yr1, auth1, ref1, chk_num2, chk_name2, chk_amt2, exp_mon2, exp_yr2, auth2, ref2, b_fname, b_lname, b_company, b_addr1, b_addr2, b_city, b_state, b_zip, s_phone, s_fname,
s_lname, s_company, s_addr1, s_addr2, s_city, s_state, s_zip, orig_by, orig_dt, edit_by, edit_dt, security_cd1, security_cd2, export_date, exec_email, s_fax, do_not_ship, ship_email, "CommissionType", "OrderType", "PaymentPlan", "sfOrderId")
FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/orders.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null (ord_num, ord_stat, account, user_id,
season, county, tax_rate, tax_amt, disc_pct, disc_amt, freight, ord_tot, bal_due, pmt1_amt, pmt1_dt, pmt2_amt, pmt2_dt, note1, note2, sales_exec, split, chk_num1, chk_name1, chk_amt1, exp_mon1, exp_yr1, auth1, ref1, chk_num2, chk_name2, chk_amt2, exp_mon2,
exp_yr2, auth2, ref2, b_fname, b_lname, b_company, b_addr1, b_addr2, b_city, b_state, b_zip, s_phone, s_fname, s_lname, s_company, s_addr1, s_addr2, s_city, s_state, s_zip, orig_by, orig_dt, edit_by, edit_dt, security_cd1, security_cd2, export_date, exec_email,
s_fax, do_not_ship, ship_email, "CommissionType", "OrderType", "PaymentPlan", "sfOrderId"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY orders.ord_items FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/ord_items.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null (item_num,
ord_num, prod_cd, qty, uprice, dt, bank_id, ship_via, bank_stat, "sfOrderLineId"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY orders.ord_pkg FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/ord_pkg.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null ("rowID",
parent_cd, child_cd, season, sequence_number), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY orders.ord_stock FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/ord_stock.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null ("rowID",
prod_cd, season, idescr, qty, uprice, backorder, shippable, bank_dependent, derived, taxable, pkg_id1, pkg_id2, act_code, "Discountable", "UserActivationTypeID", "eFileActive"), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY orders.orders_ext FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/orders_ext.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null (ord_num,
svc_fee, rest_fee, ref_credit), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); COPY orders.sls_comm4ord FROM E'//XXXXXXXXXXX/Product_Licensing_Orders/Development/sls_comm4ord.csv' WITH (format csv, DELIMITER ',', header true, force_null
(ord_comm_id, ord_num, sales_exec, amount, upd_by, upd_dt, com_dt), ENCODING 'UTF8' ); RETURN True; Thanks, chetty From: Wells Oliver <wells.oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
I have a CSV that's ~30GB. Some 400m rows. Would there be a meaningful performance difference to run COPY from STDIN using: cat f.csv | psql "COPY .. FROM STDIN WITH CSV" versus just doing "COPY ... FROM 'f.csv' WITH CSV"? Thanks. It took about four hours to copy one and I felt that was a little much.
Wells Oliver |