Table "csp_details.gcp_compute_pricing"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('csp_details.gcp_compute_pricing_id_seq'::regclass)
instance_type | character varying(255) | | |
hourly_rate_full_lowest_price_with_full_sustained_usage | real | | |
hourly_rate_typical_price | real | | |
hourly_rate_full_price_without_sustained_usage | real | | |
hourly_rate_preemptible_price_per_hour | real | | |
region | character varying(255) | | |
platform | character varying(255) | | |
last_updated_timestamp | timestamp without time zone | | | now()
current_generation | boolean | | | false
"gcp_compute_pricing_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
PG_stat_activity O/P
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
datid | 24823
datname | vmware
pid | 6672
usesysid | 10
usename | postgres
application_name | psql
client_addr |
client_hostname |
client_port | -1
backend_start | 2020-01-07 08:31:39.26237+00
xact_start | 2020-01-07 08:36:21.025266+00
query_start | 2020-01-07 08:36:21.025266+00
state_change | 2020-01-07 08:36:21.025273+00
wait_event_type | Lock
wait_event | relation
state | active
backend_xid | 388218816
backend_xmin | 388175669
query | alter table csp_details.gcp_compute_pricing add one_yr_commitment_price_hourly_rate real;
backend_type | client backend
-[ RECORD 2 ]----+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On this table normal vacuum is working but when I tried for VACUUM FULL it was not working, I have tried to take pg_dump in case there's any corruption, pg_dump is working fine.