you have to tell postgres running on your linux server who is allowed to login
from what url
this is done in pd_hba.conf
and you have also to tell postgres on what ips it should listen
On 30.12.19 17:23, bvo wrote:
I am new with postgres and would like to know how to connect to the postgres
db in Linux using pgadmin in Window.
I created postgresdb in Linux and try to connect into the db using
pgadmin4.16 in my window workstation.
I create Server and put the hostname/address. I get an error:
"Unable to connect to server:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "192.168.#.#", user "postgres",
database "dbname", SSL off
not even with database name as postgres.
Do I need to put my window's ip on pg_hba.conf in Linux? How? In
pg_hba.conf should I add entry:
host all postgres trust
have you tried that?
I think it should work.
As long this is no internet facing machine, there should be no security risk
What's happen if the other developers want to connect to the database using
pgadmin, do I need to add their windows' IP in? Is there a way we can use
like sqldeveloper without add all windows' IP?
thank you.
Sent from: https://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-admin-f2076596.html